Game Plan Tutoring
Holistic, personalised tutoring for every student.
Curriculum Precision
We teach content to the curriculum so it's aligned precisely to what students are learning in the classroom. This helps students build knowledge by reinforcing what they are currently learning and preparing them for their upcoming assessments.
Personalised Tutors
Our bespoke matching system connects each student with their tutor based on their personality, interests and aspirations, and learning style. All of our tutors are hired based on a selected criteria to maximise student learning growth in a fun and interactive way.
Wellbeing Orientated
At Game Plan, we understand that academic growth needs to be balanced with positive wellbeing. All of our tutors and coaches focus on educating our students in their subject content, study skills and strategies to manage stress and target a healthy study-life balance.
Online Delivery
Our tutoring sessions are online (which students love!). This allows students to access our tutors regularly in the most efficient way to provide them with the most up to date, live content - which is most convenient for you!